Windows 10 EOS

Windows 10 support ends on October 14, 2025

Microsoft on ilmoittanut että Windows 10 tuki päättyy vuoden 2025 lokakuussa. Tämän jälkeen käyttöjärjestelmän kehittäjä Microsoft ei enää tarjoa uusia tietoturva- ja ominaisuuspäivityksiä tai teknistä tukea laitteisiin, joissa on käytössä Windows 10.

What does this mean for users?

Windows 10 käyttäjän näkökulmasta katsottuna, tukiajan jälkeen Windows 10 ei yhtäkkiä lakkaa toimimasta tietokoneessasi ja et välttämättä huomaa asiaa heti mistään ja voit jatkaa laitteesi käyttöä. Oleellista on, että ilman Microsoftin tarjoamia uusia tietoturvapäivityksiä tai teknistä tukea Windows 10 laitteeseen, tulee laitteen käytön suhteen useita tietoturvariskejä kuten:

Without security updates, the device is an easier target for data breaches and cyber attacks because potential vulnerabilities are no longer fixed.

Microsoft does not provide troubleshooting assistance

new features and improvements are not available to you

What are the options?

Upgrade your device's operating system to Windows 11 if your computer meets the hardware requirements

Device renewal is coming if current devices do not meet Windows 11 requirements

We offer Lenovo, HP and Dell devices, among others.

Lenovo logo
HP logo
Dell logo

If your company's devices are running Windows 10, it's worth exploring your options now. If the operating system cannot be updated due to device requirements, you will inevitably have to purchase a new device. When it comes to IT devices, leasing is often a sensible option, as purchasing multiple devices at the same time is expensive and ties up the company's capital unnecessarily. As a leasing customer, you pay for the use of the products, meaning the financing company owns the devices for the duration of the contract. When the contract ends, you can choose whether to return the devices or redeem them for your own at market price.

Devices as a service from us

JMJping´s experts will help you with your purchases, we prefer well-known equipment manufacturers and equipment with a three-year warranty. onsite-guarantee, meaning that in the event of a fault, a repairman will come to the site. Our service model offers the end user, above all, peace of mind. When you want to expand or renew your company's IT equipment, we offer you new, ready-to-use equipment for a fixed monthly price. According to customer needs, we make you an offer and agree on a payment schedule with both you and the financing company. Computers, LAN devices, printers, copiers, firewalls and servers, all from one place.
