kuvituskuva nis2

NIS2 Directive: What does it mean and who does it apply to?

NIS2 Directive: What does it mean and who does it apply to? EU-wide cybersecurity legislation The EU Network and Information Security Directive (NIS2) aims to improve the overall level of information security. Its transition period is currently underway. The directive sets requirements for a number of actors in different sectors and includes the possibility of sanctions for company senior management if the requirements are not met. In this article, we discuss the scope of the directive, the key requirements and […]

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Hybrid work requirements for information security

What does hybrid work require from information security? Hybrid work is a model where employees can choose their work location flexibly. This model became more common after remote work during the pandemic. Employees can work part of the time from home or elsewhere as remote work and part of the time in the office or in another physical work environment. The goal of hybrid work is to provide employees with the opportunity to do their work as efficiently as possible, reduce the stress associated with commuting, and improve employee well-being […]

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Why is equipment leasing worth it? Equipment as a service from us

Why is equipment leasing worth it? Equipment as a service from us Why is equipment leasing worth it? Equipment choices are of great importance for work. As your business grows, equipment leasing allows your company to flexibly use equipment that is always functional and ready to use, and that is always up to date. We will tell you why your company should use leasing for equipment purchases. From ownership to service models, leasing is often a sensible option for IT equipment, as many […]

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kuvituskuva M365 tietoturva ja tietoturvakartoitus

How to secure your M365 environment?

How to secure your company's Microsoft 365 environment? Securing your company's M365 environment Phishing as a phenomenon is not limited to the services of certain service providers, but the unifying factor is usually the credentials associated with the M365 environment. If successful, persistent phishing by criminals for usernames can cause great harm and financial losses. According to the Cybersecurity Center, the risk of becoming a target of ransomware has also increased significantly in recent years. You can fall into the trap of criminals […]

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