Monitoring & Maintenance
JMJ Monitoring - a monitoring system for the company's IT environment and communications
| Centralized and managed IT environment monitoring from JMJping | No worries about the smoothness of data communication or the operation of devices |
JMJ Monitoring - Monitors and maintains your company's IT environment
JMJ Monitoring is a monitoring system for a company's IT environment and communications. Thanks to the monitoring system, the company's equipment and communications are under constant monitoring and any potential problems are immediately alerted. If any problems arise, our professional staff's IT expertise and problem-solving skills are there to support you.
Thanks to a reliable monitoring system and our skilled staff, most corrective actions, deployment of backup systems or other recovery operations can be carried out directly via remote management. This means that the company can quickly restore its operational capabilities and recover from various problem situations, saving both time and money.
JMJ Monitoring can monitor a large number of different types of equipment, services and other systems. It works directly in the most common active devices and servers in the network and, with the help of a client program, in several other systems. It is also possible to bring more specialized devices and systems into the scope of monitoring, for which there is no ready-made connection module. The client program operating in the monitored objects or, in special objects (automation systems, etc.), a separate monitoring device monitors the functionality of these services, alerting about violated limit values and reporting on the operation in an agreed manner.
JMJ Valvonnan avulla sinun ei tarvitse huolehtia tietoliikenteen sujuvuudesta tai laitteiden toiminnasta. Voit luottaa ongelmatilanteiden havaitsemisessa valvontajärjestelmään ja korjaamisessa ammattitaitoiseen henkilökuntaamme.
Disturbance-free IT environment - how does JMJ monitoring work?
Case A
JMJ Monitoring detects that the server's hard drive is about to fail. Thanks to the proactive alert, the problem can be addressed in time. In a critical environment, a disk failure would have had serious consequences.
Case B
A malfunction is detected in the cooling system of the server room. JMJ Monitoring issues an alarm about the changed conditions. The problem can be addressed before the conditions become harmful to the servers.